Why subscribe?
The Contemplify NonRequired Reading List kindles the examined life for contemplatives in the world through readings from the contemplative edges. Each month’s missive poetically muses on being a contemplative in the world and recommends 2-3 books. You also get to participate in seasonal equinox Lo-Fi & Hushed Contemplative Practice Sessions.
These recommendations offer a glimpse of why these readings (books, articles, etchings on bathroom stall doors, etc.) should meet your eyeballs, and on the rare occasion, change your life.
Why uptick to be a paid subscriber?
All of the same reasons above, plus you are automatically invited to participate in weekly Lo-Fi & Hushed Contemplative Practice Sessions. Learn more at contemplify.com/hushnow
About me
I am…
Fond of swimming in lakes
A contemplative educator at the Center for Action + Contemplation*
A recovering vagabond
A Dad + Husband
Working with modern contemplative masters
A lover of books
The host of the Contemplify podcast
I have…
Helped thousands live a more contemplative life through my day job
Trouble returning phone calls, emails, texts, faxes, and letters
Received an award for contemplative education
Co-hosted the podcast, Another Name for Every Thing & Everything Belongs
Always preferred eating cookies in batches of three
Join the Contemplify Basecamp
Be part of a community of kindred spirits warming themselves around the contemplative campfire.
*All shenanigans, tom foolery and bally hoo posted on Contemplify are my own. Contemplify is not connected to or representative of the Center for Action and Contemplation’s views on any matter, of any sort. Capiche?