Thank you! Voices emerging from silence are well-informed and deeply appreciated, I have learned.

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thanks Julie, I know you are a good friend of silence too

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I was always considered an odd child because of my tendency of silence. I was a puzzle to my parents. I sometimes wish I could go back now and explain. I recognize the irony of explaining silence.

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Kindred spirits, Keith

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Love all this. Excited to find the book on Thich Nhat Hanh and Eckhart. Have you read any Beldon Lane? Solace of Fierce Landscapes seems right up your alley. Thanks for curating such a beautiful list. ❤️

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Thanks Kelley, I love Belden Lane's work, he is a masterful writer and scholar. Though...I should revisit his work. Thanks for that reminder. I hope you dig We Walk the Path Together!

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