Kicking off the reflection on this morning’s Lo-Fi & Hushed...the line that really spoke to me this morning in Lectio was “I do not complain of suffering for love”. The directness of it. My complaints that trip off my tongue are often tied to my comfort or expectations being disrupted. I chewed on what would not complaining look like for me? What complaints to I bring to the Beloved over and over again, and receive a compassionate ear or so I think...this morning I heard the call to dig beneath the complaint to see what is at play and roll around in what is unfinished there that needs my compassion and attention. This has been rising in and out of my thoughts like the tide today. I am trying to be gentle in response
I had a similar response to Wednesday (night's down here in Australia) Lectio. That first line did cut right through me and I too have been reflecting and journalling on what is underneath my "complaining". The line "this is an unconceivable wonder" reminded me that getting out of my head is often a gateway for me to feel the Divine's love.
Thank you Paul for the practice and this space and I look forward to next week's Lectio!
Thanks, Ben, for sharing. I’m with you on the wonder to get me out of my head and connected to the Divine. Glad it works to practice together across the time change!
So much in this poem spoke to me, but one phrase really sung to me: "This is an unconceivable wonder." It reflects how I feel every time I walk in the forest up the road. The wonders in nature feel to me like a gift from the Imagination of God. Always a surprise. I try to receive that gift-- that outpouring of Love-- and offer it back in my daily work clinically, at home, and by making art responses hinting at those unconceivable wonders. I also heard a reminder about the "she" in this poem-- the motherly image of Spirit who loves us and minds us, who has numbered every hair on our heads, who is always as close to us as the air rising and falling in our chests. All day, every day. Breathing with you all... peace.
Ann, I am touched by what came up for you. The discovery event of what you are saying is really profound to me. The motherly image resounds too. Thank you for sharing !
Lo-Fi & Hushed is a beautiful idea. I've practiced lectio divina using biblical passages combined with contemplative prayer for many years now. The addition of sacred poetry would add another layer of wonder and mystery for me. I'm in NC (Eastern Time Zone) so I'll be just starting my work day at the time you'll be gathering on Wednesdays. But I'd be so pleased to read and share in the comment space later in the week. The first poem definitely resonates for me-- thank you for your generous work, Paul. Peace to You and Yours.
Thanks Ann! Yes, indeed, you know the gift of Lectio well. Time zones, always complicate. Steady on in your practice, I will be posting the audio of the equinox Lo-Fi & Hushed here as a lil experiment to see if it is an aid to practice for folks in other time zones who can’t swing the live practice. Peace and all good to you!
As always, your hospitality makes a warm space for deep conversations about things that matter. I'm looking forward to the chance to listen, and learn, and share with you all.
Kicking off the reflection on this morning’s Lo-Fi & Hushed...the line that really spoke to me this morning in Lectio was “I do not complain of suffering for love”. The directness of it. My complaints that trip off my tongue are often tied to my comfort or expectations being disrupted. I chewed on what would not complaining look like for me? What complaints to I bring to the Beloved over and over again, and receive a compassionate ear or so I think...this morning I heard the call to dig beneath the complaint to see what is at play and roll around in what is unfinished there that needs my compassion and attention. This has been rising in and out of my thoughts like the tide today. I am trying to be gentle in response
I had a similar response to Wednesday (night's down here in Australia) Lectio. That first line did cut right through me and I too have been reflecting and journalling on what is underneath my "complaining". The line "this is an unconceivable wonder" reminded me that getting out of my head is often a gateway for me to feel the Divine's love.
Thank you Paul for the practice and this space and I look forward to next week's Lectio!
Thanks, Ben, for sharing. I’m with you on the wonder to get me out of my head and connected to the Divine. Glad it works to practice together across the time change!
So much in this poem spoke to me, but one phrase really sung to me: "This is an unconceivable wonder." It reflects how I feel every time I walk in the forest up the road. The wonders in nature feel to me like a gift from the Imagination of God. Always a surprise. I try to receive that gift-- that outpouring of Love-- and offer it back in my daily work clinically, at home, and by making art responses hinting at those unconceivable wonders. I also heard a reminder about the "she" in this poem-- the motherly image of Spirit who loves us and minds us, who has numbered every hair on our heads, who is always as close to us as the air rising and falling in our chests. All day, every day. Breathing with you all... peace.
Ann, I am touched by what came up for you. The discovery event of what you are saying is really profound to me. The motherly image resounds too. Thank you for sharing !
Lo-Fi & Hushed is a beautiful idea. I've practiced lectio divina using biblical passages combined with contemplative prayer for many years now. The addition of sacred poetry would add another layer of wonder and mystery for me. I'm in NC (Eastern Time Zone) so I'll be just starting my work day at the time you'll be gathering on Wednesdays. But I'd be so pleased to read and share in the comment space later in the week. The first poem definitely resonates for me-- thank you for your generous work, Paul. Peace to You and Yours.
Thanks Ann! Yes, indeed, you know the gift of Lectio well. Time zones, always complicate. Steady on in your practice, I will be posting the audio of the equinox Lo-Fi & Hushed here as a lil experiment to see if it is an aid to practice for folks in other time zones who can’t swing the live practice. Peace and all good to you!
And i missed the ball saying it directly, please do share your reflections in the comments!!
As always, your hospitality makes a warm space for deep conversations about things that matter. I'm looking forward to the chance to listen, and learn, and share with you all.