Recommended by Paul Swanson
Contemplative Witness is a space where I share personal reflections, sermons, articles, journal entries, and conversations with friends—activists, spiritual leaders, or simply companions on the journey of engaged spirituality.
I pay close attention to the work of my contemplative brother, Adam Bucko. A friend, leader, and wiseacre contemplative who teaches that contemplation does not remain on the cushion, but is an engagement in all of life. Read his work, embody it in your own way.
Articles written by novices and members of the Community of the Incarnation, the New Monastic community at the heart of the Center for Spiritual Imagination.
Center for Spiritual Imagination are my people. The programs, writings, and practices are rooted in a way of being and walking in this world that is generative to self, others, and this world.
Contemplative writing from the heart of everyday life. And other stuff, like a slow, mystical-political journey through the book of Revelation (yes, that book).
My dear pal, kindred spirit, contemplative brother, Mark Longhurst writes so well about the holy ordinary it makes my teeth hurt. And his writing is so clear I don't need my glasses to read it. I learn something worthwhile every time I read a post.